A Message from Kevin P. Chavous

Dear Friend,

On Wednesday, September 30th, more than a thousand families from the Washington, D.C. area-and from across the country-will be gathering at a Capitol Hill rally to “Save School Choice.”

We hope you will come, too–and invite as many people as possible.

We’ve seen what happens when thousands of people with a clear message converge on Washington from across the country. Many people (including the media and elected officials) take note.

The DC Black Alliance for Educational Options, which is sponsoring the event, is hoping to exceed its participation goal of 1,500 people. Will you join with us?

The stakes are high.

If the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program is killed, which is highly likely if we don’t act, this action could jeopardize each and every school choice program in the country. We must work together and protecting the 175,000 children in existing school choice programs.

If Congress and President Obama send a message that school choice programs are fair game for elimination, state legislatures may follow their lead.

We cannot let this happen. So we are respectfully asking you to please mark your calendars and come to the rally, sponsored by DC BAEO, on September 30 from 11:30 to 1 pm at Upper Senate Park. It will be a lot of fun, but it will also send a clear message that D.C. parents-and school choice activists across the country-are serious about holding President Obama and Secretary Duncan to their words of “funding what works, regardless of ideology.”

Click here to RSVP and download DCBAEO’s flyer.

Kevin P. Chavous

Kevin Chavous

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